Yi Palace Xitoy taomlar restorani

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Yi Palace – sizga soya yog’ida mohirlik bilan pishirilgan xilma-xil taomlarni taklif qiluvchi xitoy restoranidir. Bu chinakam xitoy muhitiga ega antiqa restoranlardan biri. Restoranning terrasasi kechki ovqat yoki tushlik uchun ajoyib joy bo’lib, 122 kishini sig’dira oladi. Restoranning ichki qismida esa 106 kishilik joy mavjud.

Yi Palace restoranining menyusi turfa xil xitoy taomlaridan iborat va mavsumga qarab yangilanadi.

Restoranning o’ziga xos taomi - bu qovurilgan Pekin o’rdagi. Shuningdek, restoranda “Choy marosimiga” buyurtma berishingiz va ko’plab xitoy choylarining ta’midan bahramand bo’lishingiz mumkin.

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Practical Information

Silk Road by Minyoun *****
1 qavat

Ish vaqti:

har kuni soat 12:00 dan 00:00 gacha


106 kishi
Terrasada 122 kichi

Restoran toifasi:

Konseptual kafe va restoranlar

How to get there
From the airport

From the airport

The complex boasts of its good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also included the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge, which were already built. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that are launched for guests.

From the airport
From the railway station

From the railway station

The resort boasts good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes, and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also includes the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that will be launched by the opening of the resort.

From the railway station
From the city center

From the city center

The resort boasts good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes, and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also includes the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that will be launched by the opening of the resort.

From the city center

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