На первом этаже отеля Hilton Samarkand Regency расположен мясной ресторан El Sabor. Наблюдать за процессом приготовления идеального стейка позволяет открытая кухня, а идеальную пару к блюду составит вино из тщательно подобранной коллекции. Секрет успеха прост: отборное мясо, соль, огонь и настоящая страсть к кулинарии. Помимо мясных блюд в меню представлен широкий ассортимент блюд из овощей и рыбы.
Hilton Samarkand Regency *****1 этаж
ежедневно с 12:00-23:00
118 человекна террасе 76 человек
Концептуальные кафе и рестораны
Гордость ресторана El Sabor — мясо, приготовленное на древесных углях. Рецепт успеха прост: свежее мясо, соль, огонь и настоящая страсть к кулинарии. Здесь вас ждут разнообразные салаты, блюда из овощей, рыбы и мяса. Наблюдать за процессом приготовления позволяет открытая кухня.
The complex boasts of its good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also included the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge, which were already built. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that are launched for guests.
The resort boasts good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes, and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also includes the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that will be launched by the opening of the resort.
The resort boasts good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes, and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also includes the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that will be launched by the opening of the resort.