مطعم Khamsa

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يرتبط اسم المطعم بعمل للشاعر والمفكر أليشر نافوي "خمسة" (خماسية) الذي يعتبر ذروة عمله.

يبدأ الصبح في مطعم Khamsa من تناول وجبة فطور راقية. سيكون بانتظار الضيوف الأطباق الساخنة ومعجنات منزلية الصنع، ومجموعة متنوعة من الأطباق الشهية، وحلويات شهية من طاهي المعجنات، بالإضافة إلى أفضل أنواع الشاي والقهوة

جربوا التشكيلة الكاملة من مطعم Khamsa، من بوفيه عشاء غير رسمي إلى عشاء رومانسي على الشرفة. ويمكنكم في فصل الشتاء الاستمتاع باطلالة خلابة على قناة التجديف على الشرفة المغطاة.

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Practical Information

Hilton Garden Inn Samarkand Afrosiyob
الطابق 1

ساعات العمل:

الفطور- يومياً من الساعة 07:00 ولغاية 11:00 على نظام البوفيه السويدي.</br>ويعمل المطعم من الساعة 12:00 ولغاية 00:00 في نظام لخدمة حسب قائمة الطعام.


100 شخص
على الشرفة 204 شخصاً

فئة المطعم:

المقاهي والمطاعم ذات المعنى

How to get there
From the airport

From the airport

The complex boasts of its good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also included the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge, which were already built. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that are launched for guests.

From the airport
From the railway station

From the railway station

The resort boasts good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes, and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also includes the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that will be launched by the opening of the resort.

From the railway station
From the city center

From the city center

The resort boasts good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes, and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also includes the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that will be launched by the opening of the resort.

From the city center

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