Shved stolida mehmonlarni mazali va sog‘lom taomlarning katta tanlovi, shuningdek vegetarian va yovg‘on taomlar kutmoqda. Sizning e’tiboringiz uchun — sut mahsulotlari, bo‘tqalar, myusli, yangi sabzavotlardan tayyorlangan salatlar, bulyonlar, go‘sht va baliqdan tayyorlangan taomlar, yangi pishiriqlar, doljin qo‘shilgan pishirilgan olma, mevalar, yangi yovvoyi rezavorlar. Siz uy pishiriqlarining boy tanlovidan, shuningdek, yangi tayyorlangan maydalangan qahva, xushbo‘y hidli choylar va meva sharbatlaridan bahramand bo‘lasiz.
Lia! by Minyoun Stars of Ulugbek ****
1 qavat
Nonushta - har kuni soat 07.00 dan 11.00 gacha shved stoli tizimi bo‘yicha.
Restoran soat 12.00 dan 23.00 gacha menyu bo‘yicha xizmat ko‘rsatish rejimida ishlaydi.
93 kishi
terrasada 50 kishi
nonushta restorani
The complex boasts of its good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also included the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge, which were already built. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that are launched for guests.
The resort boasts good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes, and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also includes the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that will be launched by the opening of the resort.
The resort boasts good transport accessibility: you can get here by car from the historical center of Samarkand in 20 minutes, from the international airport in 15 minutes, and from the local railway station in 25 minutes. The Silk Road Samarkand project also includes the construction of a road junction and a bypass bridge. You can get here by car (using parking lots) or by special shuttles that will be launched by the opening of the resort.